Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Done with the Morning Battle

Daughter has been refusing to get out of bed in the morning. I spend my morning calling, threatening, yelling, pleading with her to get up. I usually end up leaving later than I had planned because she refuses to get up. She will ignore me, and when I get too insistent, she tells me I don't need to yell, she hears me, and stay in bed.
After yesterday evening's rage I decided I was done with the morning battle. I called her three times this morning. Finally I said, "I'm leaving in thirty minutes. Got it?" She dutifully responded, "Got it," and stayed in bed. I was fully prepared to leave her home. I took care of some laundry and shouted, "Goodbye," at the bathroom door. She came out a minute later carrying socks and shoes. I was still gathering things to leave. She went over to pack up her computer. I told her I was leaving. She rushed to get into the car with me. She hasn't checked her blood sugar. She hasn't had breakfast. She's sitting at the table in my study chewing gum. She has nothing to do today, because she didn't pack anything and I wouldn't wait for her to grab her computer. I dumped her morning pills on the table, and she went down the hall to the drinking fountain to take them.
We'll be leaving shortly after 11:00 to go home to meet Case Manager. It will be interesting to see how she handles this morning. I have to be across town at 7:15 tomorrow morning for a mammogram. I will remind her of that tonight. She has plenty of alarms she can set. I'm done with the morning battle.

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