Monday, November 15, 2010


We were in the office by 7:30 this morning, and about 8:30 I took Daughter to her new program. She decided she didn't need me to go in with her. I received a text from the director a little while ago. It said, "So far so good! D was very happy and talkative. She wants to bring 2 sweetener in tomorrow 4 her coffee. 1 fellow already told me he has a crush on her." Except for he crush, that is all good news.
I'm enjoying a productive morning in the office. I'm working on Advent and Christmas Eve in preparation for a meeting tonight. I'm making plans for the board meeting next Monday. I've finished another book that will be helpful in the educational pieces I want to do with the board.
The man who was elected to the board yesterday stopped in, and we had a brief conversation. Interestingly, the property committee didn't want me picking a paint color for my study. I told the search committee moderator not to worry about it, the study didn't need to be painted. He was quite embarrassed and apologetic when he told me what was happening. New board member is a major part of the property committee, and was chairman for both building programs. He told me if there was anything I wanted to change in here, to let them know and they'd take care of it. That feels like a big step-- they've decided I'm okay.
I hope Daughter continues to have a good day. They were bowling this morning, and I know she'll enjoy that. Hopefully the group they share space with will be calm during the times she's there today. This afternoon they are going walking. She wore her new boots, and they have heels, so it will be interesting to hear if she still thinks they are so comfortable after she's done walking.
We are truly blessed to be in this place.

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