Monday, January 2, 2012

Thinking Ahead

I had decided I was going to take today off, and then I realized I have an all day education event Thursday. That meant I'd only have 2 days in the office, which didn't seem like enough time to accomplish what needed to get done this week. So, while sitting around watching TV and relaxing yesterday evening, I figured out most of Sunday's worship service and the Wednesday noon prayer service. I also scheduled a meeting for Tuesday afternoon via email. I still need to figure out communion and the class I'm teaching Sunday morning, but I now can take today off without guilt. I think that made some time working on Sunday evening well worth it.
It's snowing now, so we're going to watch the Rose Parade, and then we'll see if we're going shopping or hunkering down. There is a possibility I'll be taking her to her program tomorrow morning rather than back to her house today. At least I won't be stressing about getting my work done.

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