Thursday, January 26, 2012

I Was Right

Daughter's Home Manager is stepping down. I'm not surprised. It will be hard on Daughter, because she doesn't do well with transitions and changes. She hates it when new staff starts at the house, and there will always be new staff starting. Hopefully in time it will become easier for her.
I am having an all day meeting with all of the church leaders on Saturday. This week has been busy with the preparations. The board secretary has submitted his resignation. This is a good thing, though it will make things a big more challenging in the short run. Administrative Assistant and I are going to sit down and right a job description for the position and take it to the board before we recruit his replacement. We're going to change the way a few things are done.
We had two retired men in the office for a couple of hours this morning putting together notebook for Saturday. I don't think they knew what they were getting into when they volunteered.
This morning when the furnace for the office area came on, it made a terrible racket. It needs a new fan. New fans are not cheap. Hopefully they will be able t install it tomorrow. We have a number of furnaces in the building, so it didn't get too cold in the office today. Administrative Assistant was considering bringing in a space heater for tomorrow. I stayed warm because I kept going between the two offices. I have Sunday off, and I'm very grateful I didn't have to write a sermon this week. Daughter still wants to come here for worship, so I'm trying to figure things out. She wants to sing in the choir Sunday.
This is disjointed-- a glimpse into the working of my brain. AA laughs at the way I bounce from subject to subject with new ideas popping up regularly. It does keep life interesting....

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