Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Yesterday I received a phone call from the hospital in the City. I had gone to one of their satellite centers for my mammogram last Wednesday. I've had all my mammograms done through this hospital. One year they followed up with an ultrasound, which was fine. I haven't gone in a couple of years, which isn't smart.

Anyway, there is "an area of concern" in my right breast. They wanted to know when I could come in for further testing. My first thought was "never." I briefly considered waiting until after Christmas, but it would be better to get it done this year, as I'm through my co-pay for the year. Also, I don't want it hanging over my head that long. As I considered my schedule, I decided I couldn't fit it in until this Friday. So, I'm going Friday morning.

Having figured out a date and time, my next thought was of Daughter. She's still having a difficult time with my diagnosis of diabetes. She told Therapist this morning that she "freaked out" when she found out I had diabetes. Therapist and I discussed it this morning before she saw Daughter. I thought I had a plan. I'd drag Daughter with me to the appointment, but focus on the fact that we would make it a fun day in City after I was done. Then I got home and realized that I'm scheduled to go visit and take communion to one of the saints about 25 miles south of here. We're going to go early, so we can join her for lunch. That took care of turning it into a fun day.

I tried to arrange respite for Daughter, but that didn't work out. Now I'm trying to reschedule communion for another day, so I can still turn Friday into a fun day for her. Of course, the rescheduling isn't going well, either. At least the logistics of seeing to Daughter's needs and those of my congregation keep my mind of the "area of concern."


Torina said...

Good luck at your appt on Friday! I hope everything turns out okay.

Reverend Mom said...

Thanks, Torina, I'm really not worried. I know that sounds weird, and I wonder if it's real. It's the logistics and seeing to Daughter that most stress me.

Munchkin Mom said...

Sending prayers for a normal outcome. I had that same scare this time last year, and all is well.

