Sunday, August 11, 2013

More on the Diet

Have I mentioned recently how much I love doing ministry with this congregation?  Worship went well this morning.  A number of people felt the sermon was exactly what they needed to hear.  Of course, I was preaching what I needed to hear, so it makes sense that they would connect with it. 

People are noticing my weight loss, which is nice.  Several suggested I check out the local thrift shops to keep me clothed until my weight stabilizes.  That sounds like a good plan. 

Administrative Assistant confirmed my belief that I'm more focused and less distracted in my work.  I'm a little concerned about how little I'm eating right now.  I hope I'm getting enough protein.  I had some pinto beans for lunch today, and only ate a few bites. 

I've now been to a couple of events with food, and find I'm not even tempted, which I find pretty amazing.  I went to an open house for a 60th anniversary celebration, and just had some water.  It is exciting to step on the scale and see that I'm losing weight.  Tomorrow morning I have an appointment with my Nurse Practitioner.  She's the one who referred me for the testing.  I think she'll be pleased with the results. 

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