Friday, July 1, 2011


Yesterday I journeyed to Big City to join Sister and Short Niece for a concert and fireworks. The weather was beautiful, and it was a pleasant evening. The only challenge was staying awake for the 90 minute drive each way. I resorted to caffeine, which meant that I had difficulty falling asleep when I got home sometime after 1:00 this morning. It was after 2:30 before I finally fell asleep.
There were some fireworks here at the church while I was gone, apparently. We are planning a community garden. There are a few people who don't want it visible from the front of the church. The location they want us to use does not get adequate sunlight. I think having the community garden along the edge (clearing brush to make space for it) is a good idea. A community garden is something to be proud of, not something to hide. The good news is that people support the idea of a community garden, the issue is location. We'll figure it out.

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