Sunday, July 17, 2011

Yup, We're Back to Normal

Today I took Daughter to see a movie. Normally I don't buy snacks at the movie, but today I bought a medium tub of popcorn, which pleased Daughter. We then went to the grocery store, and she asked me to buy her some apple straws to try. I did. When we got home, she wanted to eat some. I measured out an ounce and gave her insulin.
We went to get Kitten. When we got home, she wanted more apple straws. I suggested she have a plum instead. So she did. I went out and lit the grill to prepare hamburgers for supper. She asked for another plum. I told her she could have another. I went outside to cook the hamburgers. When I came in, Daughter was missing. The refrigerator door was unlocked. Sigh.
"Daughter, come here and bring the food with you."
"Daughter, come and bring the food."
"Yes, Mom." She came out carrying bag of vanilla ice cream cups.
"How many did you eat?"
"Just one."
"Wrong. More than one is missing. Go get them and bring them here."
"They're gone."
"I know that. Bring me the empty cups."
She came back carrying a spoon and two empty cups.
"Throw out the cups and put the spoon in the dishwasher. I'm sorry I didn't keep you safe."
"It's not your fault! You don't understand how stressed I am!"
"How did that work for you?"
She tried to insist she would starve herself to death as punishment and therefore she didn't want a hamburger. I told her she'd eat a hamburger, but there wouldn't be any chips with it, as she'd had all her carbs.
I never raised my voice. She isn't being deprived of food. In fact, today she had a number of special treats. I'm not mad. Just very sad, and tired.

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