Friday, July 1, 2011

The Final Push

I was in the office today, even though Friday is my day off. I got a few things done, but not as much as I would have liked. My body was protesting working on my day off. I got some things done on the Bible study I'm leading at the conference. I cleared off my desk. I came up with some more newsletter articles to write when I get back. I added a couple of additional jobs for Administrative Assistant in July-- which should be a slower month for her. I suggested she make a list of the things volunteers could do in the office-- she's going to have more work to do, so any tasks she can turn over to a volunteer will ease her stress (and my guilt for asking more of her.)
I haven't heard from the camp since the blood sugar scare on Wednesday, so that's good. It will be a busy couple of days as I get ready to head out. Daughter is helpful when we're getting ready to travel, so it will be weird to do it all without her.

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