Sunday, July 24, 2011


So we went to Short Niece's VBS program this morning. It was during the 9:00 worship service, and the service was short with not much content. It was nice to watch SN and the other kids, but when it was over I found myself long to stay for the later service. I mentioned this desire to Sister. She decided she wanted to go to it, too. She asked Daughter to come to it, and Daughter agreed.
The second service was exactly what I needed. The preacher was talking about wilderness times in our lives. He spoke to the pain in my heart. Daughter came out of the service crying. She was convicted when we were given silence in which to pray for "family and friends." I reminded her that the preacher talked about our failures leading to spiritual growth.
After a delicious lunch, we went back to Sister's house. Daughter and SN played on the wii, and Sister and I talked. Daughter promised me to turn it around. She has completed some of the work from yesterday. She's watching TV until 6:30, and the she'd going to come upstairs and clean up her bedroom. She trashed it yesterday while she was packing to move to Previous State. I have had the courage to ask her if that is still what she wants to do. For now, I'm just enjoying an easier afternoon. Tomorrow she will be back in her program, and I will still be on vacation. I'm going to work in the yard. Tuesday, Sister and Short Niece may come to do something fun.

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