This morning I went over to feed Mom. When she's awake, she eats well. But she falls asleep after every bite. I had to leave before she had eaten everything to pick up Dad for his doctor's appointment. He wanted to go for pizza for lunch today. I vetoed that idea even before we saw the cardiologist. The cardiologist was not happy. Dad is carrying around a lot of extra fluid right now. He has also gotten noticeably weaker since I've been here. While waiting for the cardiologist to consult with his family doctor, I started dealing with church calls.
Our organist has been off for surgery, and had told us she'd be back this Sunday. Well, she's not ready to come back, and won't be back until after Easter now. Our substitute organist is not available for Easter. We don't have musicians for Maundy Thursday or Easter as of right now. Another man is in the hospital after he filled up with fluid. I spoke to his wife, who is hoping he may get home today. This man had heart surgery about a month ago. We are also having a crisis with the youth group fund raiser. I was on the phone when I wasn't talking to the doctor or checking out at the store.
We made it to Trader Joe's, but Dad was too weak to walk all the way through the store. Daughter took him out to the car. We bought some low sodium food, and hopefully that will help make up for my refusing to take him for pizza for lunch today. In a few minutes, I'll be picking him up for his afternoon appointment. He will hear again how dangerous his current situation is. He finally acknowledged that he needs to get some of the fluid off because he is getting weaker. They checked his pacemaker while he was at the cardiologist. It's keeping his heart going about 74% of the time. Maybe we have the wrong parent on hospice....