Sunday, September 29, 2013


I'm still dragging some, but even dragging, it was a great Sunday.   Three couples were on a trip together (visiting former members who moved out of the area)  and we had other people traveling as well, so attendance was down some.  Even so, it was a great Sunday.  I love the energy that is in the church right now. 

We have a 3 year old who comes up for the children's sermon.  She is interesting.  She is in love with the 4 year old boy in the church, so last Sunday instead of listening to the man who was doing the children's sermon, the two of them were laying on the floor on their stomachs with their heads propped up on their arms gazing into one another's eyes.  This week her boyfriend was hope sick, so she was trying to answer every question, and ask a few of her own.  The only problem is that she is a young 3, and I have difficulty understanding everything she says.  Plus, there are times when it isn't really connected with what I'm talking about.  She was quite lively today. 

There were also a number of joys and concerns prior to the prayers of the people this morning.  One of  our members who had major surgery last summer was with us today, and thanked us for our prayers.  She has recovered well from her brain surgery.  There were concerns for the woman who had a seizure last Sunday.  I told them I'd talked to her this week, and she had told me that as they wheeled her out on the gurney, she could feel the love of the congregation surrounding her and supporting her.  We had visitors who were asking for prayers this morning.  One of the visitors was talking to the choir director about joining the choir. 

I had picked Daughter up prior to church, but she didn't want to wait around for me to finish leading the discussion group.  She asked if she could find someone else to take her home.  A woman overheard the conversation and volunteered to drop her off.

I cancelled the class I was going to teach this afternoon.  It's going to be a quiet, relaxing afternoon.  Hopefully by Tuesday I will feel like I've beaten this bug.  My throat is definitely better today, so I'm hoping. 


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