Wednesday, September 18, 2013


After my overnight retreat, I arrived back at the church with a small idea for worship in November.  By the time Administrative Assistant and I were through discussing it, we had a big idea that has us both excited.  When we come to the Sunday in the story of the Exodus where the people cross the Jordan River into the Promised Land and construct a memorial of 12 rocks to mark the place, we are going to make a banner in worship.  We will have some people who will pin large felt rocks to it after telling a story from the history of the church that they think should be remembered.  Then we will invite the entire congregation to come forward and write a memory or thanksgiving on a smaller felt rock with a marker and pin them to the banner.  We will sew them on, creating a banner that we will be able to hang in our sanctuary as a reminder of the many ways God has been at work in the life of this congregation. 

I love the fact that AA and I can build on one another's ideas and come up with creative things like this. 

I led the second class on medieval mystics tonight, and it went well.  The resistance is melting and they are beginning to get it.  Plus, one of the women was quoting a sermon I preached over a month ago that she was still contemplating.  I love it when I hear that something I said in a sermon is continuing to work in their lives.  I've got a lot of work to jam into tomorrow.  It should be an interesting day....

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