Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sunday Morning

Daughter apologized for her attitude this morning. Once she had apologized I informed her that any Sunday we had a morning battle, we wouldn't go out to eat after worship. She got a stricken look on her face. "Beginning today?"
"Yup." I was pleased to see her dismay, but she was too smart to say anything.
Worship was great this morning. I am so happy here in Capital. They are responsive to what I'm doing. I said, "Now here's bad news," and put up a graphic that said Election 2012. They all laughed with appreciation. Two of the visiting families from last week were back today. In fact, attendance was about 10% higher than what it has been running since I arrived (and they've been delighted with the improved attendance since I began). We had communion today, and I totally changed the way we do it. The changes were in fitting with the themes of Advent, and I carefully explained why we were doing it, but I was very much aware that we were running over, and feared that the only thing people would remember was that worship was longer than the magic hour. Wrong. Several people told me how much they liked the change, some were disappointed when I informed them that we weren't doing it this way every time, but we would do it this way occasionally. The woman who had set up communion the new way informed me it was too much work and she didn't like it. That was before the service, after worship, she was telling me how we'd make it easier next time.
The co-chair of the search committee that called me told me after worship that I looked so happy as I was preaching, it looked like I was having fun. I assured him that I am. He went on to tell me that as good as I had been in the interview and the sermons they'd heard, I was much better now, and getting better every week.
I hear that the woman who was discouraged and didn't seen a future for the church has decided we need a children's choir. We had 5 children today who were old enough for a choir-- up from 2 when I began. The congregation is delighted to see the return of the children's sermon. Today we put the wise men over on the sound desk as they begin their journey to Bethlehem. The stable is ready and waiting, with a couple of animals and an empty manger. Next week Mary and Joseph will arrive, and the following week we'll add a shepherd. The Christ child will arrive Christmas Eve.
People are coming to me with ideas for improving things. That's exciting, and even more encouraging is that when I suggest how to implement it (which usually involves waiting for a strategically opportune time), they are very agreeable.
Tonight we have a Christmas concert with our adult choir and bell choir. I'm looking forward to it. My only responsibility is to go there and enjoy it. Daughter is singing in the choir. Last night one of the members had a Christmas party, and Daughter and I went. There were some former members there, and a few people who aren't members. There were several people who were anxious to meet me because they'd been hearing things about me.
One big change from Tiny Village is that these people are genuinely concerned about Daughter and me. People were noticing that Daughter made it today, and were asking if it had been a better week. They want to know. They are offering to help. We are so blessed to be here.

1 comment:

maeve said...

What a wonderful place you've found. It was truly worth the wait. Daughter will adjust, I think.

The RAD power and control thing is the strongest part of their personalities. I'm not driving to Sagamore Hills this evening to pick her up. She has a ride. I told her that the alternative was to sleep at school. Am I nervous??