Sunday, December 5, 2010

Pushing Buttons

"As soon as I'm done in the bathroom, you need to get in."
"I'm about done in the bathroom, be gathering the things you need."
"You need to get moving."
"I don't feel good."
"Then go check your blood sugar. You need to get moving."
I turned on her bedroom light, and headed towards her bed.
"Okay, I'm moving!"
She stayed in bed. I called her a few more times. She ignored me a few more times. I went in and pulled the covers off of her. Then I backed off and stood in her bedroom door.
"I will leave as soon as you're in the shower."
"Go away!"
"Once you're in the shower, I'll leave you alone."
"Stop staring at me!"
"Get in the shower and I won't stare."
"If you don't move, I'll be forced to physically hurt you."
"I will move as soon as you're in the shower."
"You don't respect me! I'm not going to respect you because you don't respect me."
I think we both hit some buttons this morning. The respect comment was what did it for me. That's when I began to yell. But, she's showered and dressed. I now know that standing in her bedroom door gets her moving. It may not be pleasant, but it gets her moving.

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