Thursday, December 30, 2010

Old Flame

My College Boy Friend and his live-in came for lunch today. Daughter went beyond gracious. She threw her arms around CBF and jumped up and down.
Yesterday she didn't want him to come. She said he was a reminder of the past, and she didn't want to remember the past. I pointed out that he had no connection whatsoever to her birth family. I reminded her of the fun we used to have when he visited us in Inner City when she was young. He gave her her duplo blocks. We went to the zoo, and the beach, and had fun together.
I guess she decided it was okay for him to visit. After we ate, she disappeared into her computer while the rest of us talked. It was a pleasant visit. I'm enjoying having a social life again.


Miz Kizzle said...

I'm happy it went well after all the fireworks they day before. Do you think your DD is jealous of you having had a close relationship with a man? Would she be able to handle you having a "gentleman caller" in the future?

Reverend Mom said...

Daughter is jealous of everything that takes my attention away from her. I decided long ago that it would be too complicated to juggle a gentleman caller with Daughter and the church. I'm not sad about that-- my life is very full and I am content with it as it is.