Saturday, August 22, 2009


It's Saturday, and I'm not even close to finishing the worship planning for tomorrow. I've been very distracted this week by Dad's continuing decline. I've done the necessities, but the things that could get pushed off and have gotten pushed off. Sister called this morning with the news that Dad won't be discharged today because he still needs three more breathing treatments. She said she was glad, because he was having difficulty breathing yesterday, and she had to help him change position before he could talk. Interesting. Yesterday she told me he was doing great and his lungs were now clear. What I know first hand is that he still has no interest in having phone conversations. I'm lucky if I can keep him on the phone for a minute.
Daughter is complaining of a variety of vague physical symptoms. She's having a hard time with all of this. Her needs are one more thing to distract me from sermon writing and such. For now I need to set aside the distractions and get busy with finalizing tomorrow's worship service.

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