Sunday, August 23, 2009

Short Circuiting the Drama

Daughter found a new audience for her drama at church today. Following worship the woman she was sitting with came over to tell me that Daughter wasn't feeling good and they were just having her sit. I assured her Daughter was fine, but rather than talk about her feelings she was developing physical symptoms. When I finished greeting people at the door I went to the pew where Daughter had an audience.
"What's your blood sugar?" She told me. I assured her she was fine and to suck it up.
She was furious, and stood up and stormed out of the church. No sign of being dizzy or not feeling well.
When I got home, she was laying down in the living room again. I pointed out that talking about her feelings was more helpful than developing physical symptoms and dwelling on them and making herself feel bad. She informed me that was the way she coped with feelings. I asked her how it was working for her. She acknowledged it wasn't.
After we ate, I told her that if she vacuumed the stairs and upstairs hall, we'd go to town. If she didn't, I'd go tomorrow while she was at the workshop. I told her she wouldn't go to town again until the steps had been vacuumed. After several false starts and much drama (which I ignored), she vacuumed the steps, and did a decent job.
I was developing a menu and grocery list for our trip to town. She came into the study and dramatically grabbed the door frame because she was so dizzy. "If you're feeling that bad, I'm not going to take you to town. It would be dangerous for you to be in a store when you're that dizzy."
She finally decided that maybe going to the store and walking would be good for her. We went to City and did some shopping. All signs of illness have vanished. I suggested that getting up and focusing on other things had resulted in her feeling better. Her response, "I refuse to admit anything."
I know that she will be back into drama mode soon, but for now, I'm enjoying the break. Dad made it through another night. Sister is now acknowledging that he's not doing well and probably doesn't have much time to live. They were giving him iron today. Sister is making a list of questions for the doctor tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

oh, I am tired reading that. as you know I have her co drama queen living with me!! owl

Reverend Mom said...

I'm tired of living it! It really is a challenge, especially since we know our daughters do have physical issues and their complaints might be real....