Monday, August 24, 2009

More Drama

At least this time the drama isn't in my house. Dad was discharged from the hospital this afternoon. Brother took a day off work today so he could spend all day at the hospital. Sister spent all day at the zoo, and so was unavailable when Brother asked her to help get Dad home. To say he is not happy would be an understatement.
Far Away Sister got to referee this one. I was tied up with Daughter at Psychiatrist's office. Everyone is stressed, and many are not coping very well. I'm sure at some point I'll hear about this from both of them.
Dad is still retaining 48 lbs of fluid. He is still short of breath because of all the fluid he is retaining in his abdomen. We were at this point in February, and he pulled out of it. I still question whether he has the will to pull out of it this time.

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