Sunday, August 9, 2009


Yesterday we celebrated Dad's 80th birthday with an open house. He was able to be there, and I think he enjoyed it. The weather didn't cooperate, but there was a steady stream of people and I think he had a good time. I really enjoyed just sitting around talking to old friends. Daughter went from enjoying herself to sobbing in my arms. She was very much aware that Grandma wasn't there. It was the first family gathering since Mom's death. At one point she said, "I feel haunted."
I was holding her as she sobbed when some of Mom's friends walked in. They have seen Daughter at church when we've visited over the past 19 years. They surrounded her with love. The informed her that they would be her grandmas now. Then they told her about a young man who is a couple of years older than she is and also involved in Special Olympics. She came away with his email address.

These women gave Daughter and me a wonderful gift. I sat and talked to this Eligible Bachelor's mother. She gave me hope. Her son is 3 1/2 years older than Daughter. She said that in the past 4 or 5 years he has matured tremendously. She assured me that Daughter will still grow and improve. I had begun to despair, thinking that I was looking at these same struggles for the next 30 years. Now, I have hope. We laughed over the similarities between Daughter and EB. Will anything come of their correspondence? I doubt it. But hopefully they will have fun together. What did came out of yesterday was hope. I'm grateful.


maeve said...

I've been watching for your post and hoping that it would go well, which it seems it did for the most part.

Hope is a wonderful thing.

Mom's friends are still good friends, aren't they? It went well. That's great. As for Eligible Bachelor, that remains to be seen, but it also represents hope, doesn't it?

Reverend Mom said...

Thanks, Maeve. You're right, hope is wonderful. It was a good trip.