Sunday, January 11, 2009

Preaching to Myself

As often happens, the sermon that I finally preached this morning spoke powerfully to my own struggles with Daughter right now. So, I sat her down this afternoon and we came up with a plan. One of the things we talk about quite a bit is working as a team. She doesn't have to deal with diabetes alone, we're a team. It took a while for her to find her cooperative attitude so we could have our conversation, but she found it and we did.
All the temptations have disappeared, so she's not going to be able to go in and sneak sweets. We agreed that I will download her meter daily so she can't lie to me, and each evening we'll sit down and look at blood sugars and see what worked and what didn't.
We also came up with a menu and chore schedule for the week. It will be posted on the refrigerator. Daughter feels more secure when she can go look at the schedule and see what's going to be happening. She needs that structure, and lately I haven't been doing as good a job of providing it. She picked out all the meals for the week. I wrote a list of possibilities, and then she chose what she wanted to have and the days she wanted to have it.
She's now upstairs cleaning her bedroom and singing, so I think that she's feeling a little less stressed. We see Psychiatrist tomorrow afternoon. She asked me when she'd see her again. She says the voices are back. I'll let Psychiatrist sort it all out tomorrow. That's why she earns the big bucks.


Torina said...

Hopefully it will help. I have to post a schedule with Tara in the summer. When we first started, she would check it every few minutes. But now, she only does it when she knows it is time to do something different. We also do a schedule for all the kids on any sort of school break. Helps with anxiety and transitions. I hope you see positive results like we did!

Reverend Mom said...

Well, so far it's not helping. She is very much on edge and keeps losing her temper-- zero frustration tolerance right now. The schedule usually helps, and I really should do it all the time for her. The problem is that I hate schedules. I look at what I have on the menu for the evening and immediately start arguing with it. The sacrfices I make for Daughter!