Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Reading the Signs

Daughter is struggling right now. Since Sunday she’s been sleeping in the recliner in my bedroom. Her blood sugars are mysteriously high in the morning, which probably means she’s taking a tour of the kitchen during the night. Yesterday she had a mysterious stomach ache that necessitated me picking her up early from the workshop. This morning she called with a nothing question, just needing to touch base with me. At least she stayed at the workshop all day.

This evening she informed me she wanted to move. Now. She’s willing to stay to get her last paycheck on Friday, but then she wants to move. If I can’t move, she wants to leave and move in with a family member. She doesn’t want to go back to the workshop, ever. She tried to convince me she should stay home tomorrow. She insists she’s not hearing voices, but does acknowledge nightmares.

I’m not sure what to make of it all. It’s obvious she’s in distress. I’ve wondered if the extended low Sunday night has triggered increased anxiety. She was upset today because Best Friend was begging everyone for money today because she wanted to go to the demolition derby tonight at the fair. Her father gave her money for the fair Monday, but she spent it all. Of course it wasn’t her fault she didn’t have any money. Daughter called her tonight, and discovered that Best Friend was at the derby. This bothered her a great deal. She couldn’t figure out who she’d convinced to pay for her ticket. I think that Best Friend is contributing to her current struggles, but I doubt it’s the main issue.

I’m going to call her therapist tomorrow and see if I can move her appointment up. I find it interesting that at a time when she’s sleeping in my recliner and calling me through the day, she says she’s willing to move away from me. Progress is that she’s not seeking to live on her own, but recognizing that she needs to live with family. Of course, it’s not going to happen. If there were someone in the family in a position to take her, I still wouldn’t do it. She’s too unpredictable and too much work—her diabetes and medication management alone would be too much to ask of them.

I’m frustrated tonight, because I can see the warning signs, but am not sure what to do about them. Hopefully we’ll be able to figure it out without another hospitalization.

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