Sunday, December 16, 2012

Preaching in the Wake of Tragedy

Today's sermon title was "The Gift of Joy."  Our opening song was to be "He Has Made Me Glad."  I rewrote the sermon, finishing it as I was preaching it.  I also changed the opening song.  I didn't think it was appropriate for today.  Sometimes I know that I am a channel of the Holy Spirit.  Today was one of those days.  I had everyone's attention.  There were lots of tears as people thanked me after worship.  One woman told me her granddaughter's school had been locked down Thursday after a stranger got into the building.  Her granddaughter is in kindergarten.  On days like today, I'm preaching to myself as well as the congregation.  On days like today, it's an honor to be able to point to God.  Our joy isn't the result of a good world.  We have joy because God is good.  All the time.

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