Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year

2011. A New Year with new opportunities. It's no longer last year that my parents died. I guess that means we're supposed to have worked through our grief. As I reflect, my grief has diminished. I will always miss them, but the pain is no longer as sharp. We talk about them and remember them as we carry on their traditions. Our Christmas menu was the menu Dad established a number of years ago. My siblings and I now consult one another about the ways Mom and Dad did things.
In this year I will complete all the "firsts" at the church here in Capital. I will celebrate my first Easter and Pentecost with them. I will go with them on my first mission trip. I will experience the first annual meeting, and most likely do my first funeral here.
I hope that this is a year in which Daughter will blossom and grow. My prayer is that she'll feel safe enough to stop wetting the bed. My hope is that a new therapist will help her continue her healing.
In this year, Brother will become a father, and I will meet a new niece or nephew. Sister may finally move out of the house she shares with her ex-husband. Tall Niece will start college.
In 2010, I became much more organized, and finally mastered the art of keeping the house clean. I hope that in 2011 I will accomplish the same with my study at the church. I'm not going to make formal resolutions this year, but I will continue to seek personal growth.
I hope that 2011 will bring much joy to all of you who accompany me on this journey.


maeve said...

Happy New Year from one of your travel companions. This is a difficult journey without fellow travelers -- thanks for being there for us.

Reverend Mom said...

Amen! Glad you're with me, Maeve.