Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I have a choice. I can focus on Daughter's continued opposition and contrariness, or I can focus on all the things that are worthy of celebration. Today, I choose to rejoice.
  • I received a note yesterday from a young man who has indicated that he and his wife are interested in joining. It turns out he's director of alumni relations at my college. In Tiny Village, there weren't any alums from my college in the region-- so it's a real treat to be back near my alma mater.
  • We have planned out our work well enough in the office that it wasn't a disaster when Administrative Assistant was home sick yesterday.
  • When I pulled into my driveway yesterday evening, one of my neighbors was using his snow blower to clear it.
  • Daughter pretended to be unconscious yesterday in her program. Staff recognized what was going on and even knew the trigger-- there had been much drama and she had not been involved in any of it.
  • I was at a gathering of colleagues yesterday at a church less than 5 miles from here. My colleagues include an African American and a Korean American, bringing diversity to our discussions and giving us a different perspective.
  • The two committees that have had some conflict and struggles the last few months both met Monday night. There were no issues or conflict in either one of them. Improved communication has solved the problem.
  • This congregation has a wide range of experience and expertise. It is wonderful to be able to tap into those people resources.
  • Sitting next to a fire in my fireplace is a wonderful way to end my day.

Now I'm going to kick Daughter downstairs into her program and tackle the tasks of the day. I hope everyone has a good one!

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