Friday, January 7, 2011


I met with a member last night to begin planning the training portion of the retreat I'm going to have with the board later this month. I was excited about the plans we made and some of the discoveries as we looked at some historic documents. I'm looking forward to spending a day with the board.
I also set some dates for in home small group meetings so I can have conversations with members and hear their stories and their dreams for the congregation. Administrative Assistant and I sat down and mapped out the work that needs to be done this month. It's going to be a busy month, so we spread the work load out in manageable chunks. We are both pleased with what we accomplished this week. We feel like we're figuring out how to work together and settling into a routine.
Daughter did not want to get up this morning. There won't be any pizza tonight. She saw her doctor today, and her blood work showed excellent control of her diabetes. I was pleased, especially right after the holidays. She won't be happy to find she's lost electronic privileges, too. We don't have any commitments tomorrow (unlike the next 2 Saturdays), so I'm hoping to get quite a bit done around the house.
It's frustrating to know that even though I'm handling her appropriately and calmly, she still is not motivated to do well on any kind of consistent basis. On days when she gets up and is cooperative, she is so happy. It's frustrating to watch her making choices that leave her miserable. Very frustrating.

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