Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Romance Continues

Daughter told me a couple of days ago that she's getting more comfortable with Nice Guy. Yesterday she told me that he'd been bugging her, wanting to know when they could go out on a date-- away from here. She had never mentioned it to me, which tells me she wasn't ready to do it. I told her we'd talk about it after the first of the year. NG is over now. They've played wii, had homemade pizza, and now are watching Ratatouille. Daughter is ready for him to leave, but I told her he can stay until the movie is over. Since they've started it, she needs to allow him to finish watching it. They are in there giggling as they watch it.
NG told me tonight that his Dad wants to meet Daughter. He'd like to take Daughter to Big City to go bowling with his Dad and his Dad's girlfriend. I said we could probably arrange it. Of course, all of this raises major challenges. I'm not sure how comfortable Daughter is with going away from the house and my protection with him. If they were to eat, she'd have to be able to take insulin. If I give the insulin to her to inject for her food, there is a very real danger that she will once again take too much to get attention and get home more quickly. Yet I'm not sure it would be fair to embarrass her by having NG monitor her insulin. I guess I'll decide how to handle it when the occasion arises.
It's much easier when she quickly breaks up with these guys. The longer the relationship lasts, the more complicated all aspects of it become. However, the fact that she is growing more comfortable with him is major progress and growth for her, so for today I will celebrate the progress, and worry about how to handle her diabetes away from me when the time comes....

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