Sunday, December 27, 2009

From a Motel

Following worship today we drove the 150 miles to be near family. Today was devoted to non-related family. 52 years ago my parents moved into a brand new subdivision. It was full of young families, except for the career woman and her husband next door. They were childless! 40 years ago, her husband died of cancer. We adopted her. She is now in her 90's, and still lives alone in that house she bought so many years ago. She still drives. She still loves to play cards.
Daughter and I picked her up and we went out for supper. Then we went back to her house and played cards. We sat in the kitchen where she still has the original kitchen cabinets, including the cupboard to dry towels next to the sink, and the bread drawer under the butcher block. We talked some about Mom and Dad. She talked about her bowling game and why she finally gave up golf. We talked about the nephew who came to live with her after her husband died. She was terrified of living alone. She still worries about it, but she has been alone for a number of years now. A good time was had by all.
Tomorrow we will be at Brother's house (right next door to our hostess for this evening's card game), for Christmas. Tuesday we're supposed to hang with Sister and Little Niece. Wednesday we'll head home. I was doing lots of thinking and reflecting on the drive here, and when I'm not quite so tired, I'm going to write out some of those reflections to share. But for now, I'm going to enjoy being away for a few days and having time with family.

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