Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a Thanksgiving Eve service tonight, and then Daughter and I came home and made some food to take to my Sister's tomorrow. We'll need to be out of here by 8:00 tomorrow morning, because we need to stop at the hospital to see Dad. He may be in the hospital until Monday or longer, and he's probably going to need rehab. He's very weak right now. He got two units of blood, but his hemoglobin is still low. They have all sorts of doctors in consulting right now. After we visit Dad, we'll pick up Mom at the nursing home and go to Sister's for Thanksgiving.

We'll stay in Dad's apartment, hang out at the hospital, and come home sometime Saturday. This year I have much for which to give thanks as we gather tomorrow.

I'm thankful for Daughter.

I'm thankful for Psychiatrist, who is working to find the right combination of meds for Daughter. Tonight I was able to correct her without her going into a rage. This is major progress.

I'm thankful for all the advances in diabetes care. It wasn't that long ago that she would have died 8 years ago when she was first diagnosed.

I'm thankful for the sheltered workshop, that gives her structure and helps her learn job skills.

I'm thankful for Therapist and the coping skills she teaches Daughter and the support she gives me.

I'm thankful for the congregation I serve, and the opportunities I have to provide ministry in a variety of ways.

I'm thankful that Dad is under the care of specialists, and that he still has his mind.

I'm thankful that Mom still recognizes me, even if she can't talk to me. She still gives great hugs.

I'm thankful that Brother and Sister live close to our parents and are so willing to go above and beyond in providing for their needs, big and small.

I'm thankful that I live close enough that I can get there when I have to, and that my family understands that there are certain times of the year when I can't get there.

I'm thankful for new opportunities for ministry and the excitement of the search for a new position and all the opportunities that come with it.

I'm thankful for Cat and Kitten, who are usually willing to cuddle and are great foot warmers on cold nights.

I'm thankful for friends old and new.

I give thanks to God for giving me all these blessings and many more.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving with good food, good fellowship, and an appreciation for your blessings.

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