Friday, November 14, 2008

An Apology of Sorts

Daughter came home with a letter in her hand that she threw on my desk. It was sort of an apology. She was sorry for treating me so terribly and would make it up to me. What blew it was that she went on to say she'd talked to her case manager, and knew she was on the waiting list for supported living. She acknowledged that while she was waiting to move out, she still need me "for a while yet."
I didn't point out that by the time her name comes up, we probably will have moved out of the area. I also didn't point out that her need for me won't end when she moves into supported living. After all, somedays she has to call me 2-3 times from the workshop just to make sure I'm still here. I did, however, point out that there would be rules in supported living and she'd still be expected to do chores and keep her room clean. That's when she tore up her letter of apology.
By this morning, she was promising to make today a better day. I certainly hope so. It will be interesting to see her attitude this evening.
This afternoon I'm going to go visit the saints in the nursing home. Yesterday I went to see the 92 year old woman who broke her neck. She's in a great deal of pain, and until she got some more medication, wasn't able to converse. By the time I left, the pain medication had helped and she asked me to tell Daughter that she won't be able to accept her invitation to the Thanksgiving Dinner that the youth group is putting on for our senior citizens. She told me to tell Daughter, "There's no one I'd rather eat turkey with." She has an amazing mind for a 92 year old woman in pain and drugged up. They'll be moving her to a nursing home for rehab soon, provided the CT they did of her head yesterday didn't turn up any new problems.

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