Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Games She Plays

Yes, Daughter does indeed play games with me. She slept in her own bed last night, got up on her own this morning, and has been very chipper all morning. She put her dirty dishes in the dishwasher, and put the pots and pans I had washed yesterday away without any prompting from me.

So why I am taking time away from my reponsibilities in the middle of the day to drag her to an appointment with Psychiatrist? I suggested this morning that once I'd made the appointment, all of her symptoms had vanished. She didn't deny it, but said something about wanting to start with a good day now....
But then again, last night, when I told her to take her shower, she informed me if I was going to make her take a shower, she was leaving. She stormed out of the TV room and slammed the door. I have a simple rule: if she wants to take her shower in the morning, she has to show me that she can get up on her own in the morning. Yesterday I had to wake her up, so she couldn't put off her shower until this morning.
Of course, she announced she was leaving and slammed the door, but by the time she'd reached her room at the end of the hall, I heard her snarl, "Fine, I'll take my shower if that's the way you are going to be!"
Fortunately, I don't have to figure it all out. I'll let Psychiatrist sort her out. That's why she makes the big bucks....


Torina said...

That is so funny. My daughter gets miraculously "better" when we have to do a psych visit, too! Of course, I am one of those all-is-good-now live-in-the-moment types so whenever I get a good day (and it sounds like your morning was wonderful) I forget about all the bad days. Good luck at the psych appt!

debinca said...

Oh my gosh, I was going to post last night about 'betting she is better once the appointment is made'
But I didn't want to sound snotty or jinx your house!

DD does exactly the same thing, its like she now feels free to transfer the anxiety off her shoulders now that she know you are 'handling' it and taking her to psyc.

The fact she brought up the voices ( real or not) means she needs help and best you address it now than later when the voices are louder............. but you know that. You are doing an awesome job with this kid.

Here is my unsolicited advice as always, she is having feeling of worthlessness, now that friends in the workshop are 'engaged'.

She need confirmation that she is one day going to be OK and possibly move on to a life f independance where she can take her own shower!! LOL

OK no charge, love owl

Reverend Mom said...

It's amazing how much our RAD kids have in common. Diagnosis: break through mania. Once the neurologist signs off on it, I'll get a prescription filled for depakote, which may make it possible to eliminate two of her other meds-- if it works....