Saturday, March 30, 2013


I now have some purple crocus blooming.  The weather has been a little sunnier and warmer.  It's actually 55 right now.  Sister and Short Niece are coming for Easter dinner tomorrow, but I decided that time in my yard was a higher priority than cooking and cleaning today.  I picked up Daughter this morning, and we did the necessary grocery shopping (going to the specialty over grown farm market the day before Easter is definitely not a good idea). 

I wrote her a list of cleaning tasks, and I went outside and began spring clean-up.  I filled 3 available yard waste bins and left some stuff piled on the patio.  Yard waste pick up begins this week, so I will be able to empty them on Thursday, and have them ready for Friday.  The ground is still frozen, so I'm limited in what I can do, but it felt so good to be out there working today. 

Yesterday I set up a grow light in the basement and started tomato and pepper seeds.  I also purchased lumber to construct another raised garden bed.  I want to build at least 2 more this spring.  I have a list of projects I can begin working on in my yard.  Apparently they were burying cable in my yard this week.  There are lots of red flags marking underground electrical cables.  There is also a new green box back in the corner.  I'm frustrated, because they broke one of my compost bins and moved the other, dumping all the contents in the process.  I didn't tackle that today, as I want to make sure they're done before I try to repair the damage. 

When I came in from cleaning, daughter told me to rest for a few minutes-- she could tell I'd been working hard.  She's working in the kitchen right now.  It's wonderful to have her so cooperative.  Of course, I had to lock everything up before I could go outside, but it's okay.  It's nice to have the freedom to go play in the dirt while she cleans....

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