Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Dealing with Change

Daughter is struggling this week. It started even before we left home. She packed her own bathroom things, and I didn't check them. I did ask if she had specific things, like toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo. Each time I asked, she'd run back upstairs to the bathroom. That should have been a clue. This morning I realized that she hadn't brought shower gel or a shower poof. Her showers the last two nights consisted of getting in and rinsing off. I handed her a bar of soap and wash cloth and made her take a shower this morning.
Yesterday afternoon one of the activities was viewing the movie, "To Kill a Mockingbird." Not knowing the plot, I went in to watch it with Daughter. The family violence and racism triggered her PTSD. She did a craft yesterday afternoon, but her tremors are such right now that it was very difficult for her. Her aunt is going to help her with this afternoon's craft, as the activity director warned me Daughter wouldn't be able to handle it on her own. We both need a break from each other, so I recruited her aunt.
She's struggling with staying awake in the classes she's taking. She's just tired over all. She's sleeping right now, and I'm not going to wake her up until right before it's time for the craft. This afternoon's movie shouldn't bother her-- it's Second Hand Lions. The weather is pleasantly cool. We're having a campfire tonight, and that will feel good. Tonight's worship service will be outdoors in the lake front chapel. That will be nice, too.
The community is supportive, and Daughter will probably adjust to being here right about the time we leave. Then we'll get to start the adjustment all over again. It will be worth the frustration, though, as I'm finding time for rest and renewal....


debinca said...

several times, then chooses a boyfriend who beats her....... it caused problems here with dd, but its a cute movie overall and some hero's who stand up for the boy.

I am glad you got a stand in for crafts and could get a break............ good job.

didnt ya know, showering is like doing dishes, cold water rinse then your done!!!! LOL. Owl

Reverend Mom said...

Daughter had problems with the uncles dying at the end. We went back to the room and she sobbed, missing Grandma. She recovered relatively quickly, fortunately. It's so hard finding movies that don't trigger something for her. I can ask about a movie, but people are clueless about the things that will upset Daughter. If someone tells me not to let her watch it, I know it must be really bad.