Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Thank You

Thank you all for your good thoughts and prayers. By the time I had found someone to cover the committal service, figured out a hymn sing for Sunday, done laundry, packed and done the other things I needed to do, we didn't get here until 9:30 last night. I spent much of my time yesterday on the phone, pacing. By the time I got here and got my air mattress blown up, I was exhausted.
We're sitting with Dad now in his new assisted living apartment. I had to call ATT to get his internet working, but I'm now back online. I was going through withdrawal!
The grief didn't hit me until I got to the workshop to pick up Daughter, and told her. When I saw her face as I told her the news, we both ended up in tears.
I'll have more to post later. For now, we're doing okay.

1 comment:

Linda B said...

Even when you expect it, it is so hard to accept. Take care of yourself and daughter as best as you can and God will do the rest. Praying for your whole family.