Monday, June 22, 2009


Daughter accused me of abusing her tonight. What terrible thing had I done? I went upstairs and took the remote out of the TV room. She has been avoiding cleaning her room and taking care of the load of whites in the dryer. She hates doing them both. I knew if the remote was up there, the temptation to sneak some TV would be strong. Seeking to avoid a scene, I removed the temptation. She had a screaming fit and accused me of abuse. She claims I don't care about her, and has suggested I get lost. Some days I just can't win....


angela said...

Oh, she found a remote all right. Isn't it funny in a sad way that young people are so tuned into us that they know just the words that will set us off.

Bless you.

Reverend Mom said...

You're right-- she does know my buttons. Both of us are in desperate need of a vacation right now. Hopefully we won't kill one another as we prepare to leave Sunday afternoon....

maeve said...

K and I have the button-pushing joke as well -- it's a joke for her but reality for me. She knows how to make me anxious.

Vacations have a way of making these relationships get back to normal. What's normal?????

We're leaving Saturday morning for a week at the beach. It had better work or I will be charged with.....oh, nevermind.