Sunday, November 18, 2012


Daughter, like many kids with similar issues, struggles with success.  If things are going well and she is happy, she is frightened, and sometimes will create a crisis just to get back to familiar feelings.  I have told her many times that she deserves to be happy, but it continues to be a struggle for her. 

I have to admit, I'm beginning to understand her fear.  We received 9 new members today, bringing the total for the year to 18.  It's been over 10 years since the church received that many new members in a year.  When I arrived, the church was on a steady decline, and had lost over half their members in the previous 10 years. 

Attendance is also up.  We've run out of coffee the last two weeks.  There is an energy that is amazing.  The noise level before worship is louder, and the fellowship time is longer.  I have another 2 people who are ready to join, and we had a visitor today who is recently divorced and new to the area.  We were able to introduce her to a woman who lives in the same condo complex and is also divorced.  She said she'd definitely be back. 

Today was stewardship Sunday.  We had some new pledges, and a family that refused to pledge last year because they were looking for a new church turned in a pledge card this year (and the financial secretary assures me that none of the pledge cards were blank). 

Exciting things are happening, and I certainly have every reason to be happy.  I'm a little happy, and very scared.  Administrative Assistant assured me that this can and will continue.  I hope she's right.  I wish I had her confidence.  I realize this is God's doing, and I still find it scary.  I understand, now, why Daughter gets so scared when she is happy and successful. 

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