Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Quiet Sunday

For the first time in a very long time I didn't have any commitments beyond adult ed and worship this morning.  It was rather nice.  It was also another good Sunday.  Have I mentioned lately how much I love my life here in Capital? 

There was a basketball game early this afternoon, which meant 5 people left early so they could be there.  We have several people who have season tickets for the basketball games.  I'm impressed that they came to worship before going to the game. 

We are in the midst of our stewardship campaign.  It seems to be going very well-- we've had 5 new pledges.  With 10 yet to come in, we're already above last year's pledge total.  Hopefully we will meet our goal this year.  It's exciting to see the church moving forward in such wonderful ways. 

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