Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Being Environmentally Responsible

I have 2 plastic baskets sitting on my kitchen counter: one with clean washcloths and rags and one for the dirty ones. I have them right where the paper towels were at one time. I decided that paper towels were expensive and not good for the environment. So, we've stopped using them (for the most part).

As I was fixing supper last night, I then began to consider the contradictions in my life. I've stopped using paper towels and purchased reusable grocery bags. But I still use lots of resealable plastic bags and use deli sheets of wax paper to cover food in the microwave. I still put foil or parchment paper on cookie sheets when I use them.

Giving up paper towels was relatively easy. We're still trying to remember to take our grocery bags into the store with us. We use reusable water bottles. We recycle plastic, metal, paper, and cardboard. We do all of those things. I'm not sure I'm willing to give up resealable plastic bags or my deli sheets of wax paper yet. I am to the point that I feel very guilty, though, when I use them. Our box of deli paper is running low. I don't know if I'll be able to bring myself to buy another one....

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