Thursday, April 19, 2012

Loving Life

This morning I had breakfast with an ecumenical group of colleagues, then came to the church where I worked on worship planning. At 11:00 we met and planned music through the end of June. I also wrote my report and an agenda for Monday evening's board meeting. I went home and did some work in the garage before Daughter got home, and then we went out to dinner in celebration of Adoption Day.
We've had men working on various projects around the church all week. We really are blessed by a group of talented, dedicated individuals. In the large meeting room downstairs we now have a large white board and cork strips for pinning newsprint. I'm ready for our next planning meeting! I told the guys they've given me a challenge-- to fill up all the cork strips. They think I'm up to the task.
We're back at the church now, waiting for choir. I hope to get the sermon outlined, and Daughter is watching a new DVD she got with an amazon gift card. She was volatile earlier in the week, but is very content now. She has two invitations to upcoming dances. I offered the option of the two of us doing something fun instead, and she jumped all over it. I don't want a repeat of the drama at least year's dance.
This week I asked a retired church educator to consider heading up a parents' night out ministry this fall. She's considering doing it, and making lots of plans while she's considering it. I think she'll end up doing it.
I guess you could say this has been a busy day, or better, a busy week. I've loved it all. I love my life, and am excited about all the things going on around me.

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