Saturday, February 16, 2013

Mixed Messages

I keep hoping for signs of spring.  As I was going to get Daughter through snow today, I saw that some of the geese are back.  One was standing on the frozen pond.  I wonder if they'll stay....

It has been a wonderfully relaxing weekend.  The taxes and laundry are done.  The house is cleaner, and I've had time to just sit and relax.  Tomorrow afternoon I have worship at the nursing home.  I've told Daughter she can stay until we're done with that, and then I'll take her back. 

I drove her by the new house today.  She liked the looks of it.  The meeting is Tuesday morning.  Last week I had lots of church meetings, this week it's lots of appointments:  3 to be exact.  I am grateful for the flexibility to take the time for personal appointments.  I only have 3 evening commitments this week, but two of them teaching-- and I have to finish my plans for them. 

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