Monday, April 6, 2009

Holy Week

The busiest week of the year began for me yesterday. I'm not as prepared for it as I normally am at this time, but even my lack of preparation and the chaos that will surround me will not get in the way of the message of this week. Throughout Lent, we have been focusing on our brokenness. Yesterday the entire congregation came forward to glue our broken pieces of clay around a cross. The picture is the result, which was put on display during the final hymn.

There are plenty of things to distract me this week. There are some power struggles going on in the family as to what is the best solution for our parents. Daughter is not doing well at all, and her constant lying is exhausting. Dad continues in the hospital, where they are trying to get some of the fluid off. Far Away Sister thinks he is getting tired and may not fight his way back this time. I think she may be right, and that's okay.

All of Lent and Holy Week have been enriched by the health challenges my parents have been facing. Because of Easter, we know their death will bring healing, and we are ready to let go. We will grieve, but we will grieve as people with hope. I'm going to disengage from the power struggles within my family and pray for peace for all involved. I'm going to focus on the treasures of this week, and allow them to feed my soul.

1 comment:

Carol E. said...

My dad died of congestive heart failure. When I realized he was not going to get better, I told him it was OK to go to heaven if he felt the time was right. After he died I wished he hadn't gone, but I was sooooo glad I had that chance to say goodbye and assure him that we would be OK and always love him. It's such a blessing to have that opportunity. Whatever happens, I hope ths Easter week gives you great comfort.