Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dances with Wolves

We saw Psychiatrist this afternoon. I told her about Daughter's recent challenges. She asked Daughter if she'd ever seen Dances with Wolves. I have, but Daughter hasn't. She told Daughter she needed to watch it, because it is about a man who chooses his own tribe, where he fits in. She agreed that Daughter needs to put any thought of reconnecting with the people who hurt her out of her mind. She also increased her depakote some more, her blood level is still low, and she's concerned about the ongoing difficulties with sleep.

We went shopping and bought Dances with Wolves while we were in Big City. Daughter and I will watch it together this weekend. We'll follow that up with more conversation. Daughter is doing well today, and has been able to handle frustration. She is improving. Hopefully this increase of depakote will keep her moods more stable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My absolute favorite movie. Watch the 2 scenes for her reaction..... remember in the beginning were the general shoots himself after giving dances with wolves his assignment.

Then the other tricky one where the white woman flashes back to when she is captured as a child.

I read the book too, but its just the screen play and didnt add much.

Just a thought, Owl