Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Catching It Early

Daughter had an appointment with Psychiatrist this evening. Last year Psychiatrist thought that longer days triggered mania for Daughter.

So today I was able to report that Daughter is beginning to hear voices. For the last week or so she has been thinking I'm calling her when I'm not. This morning she called Sister and left her two 5 minute voice mails about her plans for our adoption day celebration this Friday. She's going to call John McCutcheon and have him come sing his song Happy Adoption Day at our house for me.

Psychiatrist ordered blood tests for her lithium and depakote level and is then going to increase her medication. She wants to see her again 2 weeks. I'm hoping that we can avoid her getting into full blown mania this time. Daughter had no clue what we were talking about, so I had to explain it to her on the way home.

We'll get the blood work done Saturday morning. I'll have to take her to breakfast after, of course. She's already lobbying for Cracker Barrel.


Anonymous said...

Wow. So your psychiatrist actually monitors how the meds are affecting her health? I need to move out there! Ours weighed my daughter once...

Reverend Mom said...

We are very fortunate with our current psychiatrist. Of course, she's seen Daughter through 4 or 5 psychiatric hospitalizations. Of course, I drive an hour to get her there-- which is better than the 2 hours we used to go.

Torina said...

Yup, ours is the only one in our area and an hour away. The next closest one is 2.5 hrs and I am thinking if the neuro doesn't help then that is where we are headed...also, good luck on the sex stuff! Our kids certainly make life interesting. T is now obsessed with boobs. Her thing lately is she stares at everyone's. I have to say multiple times a day, "please stop looking at my boobs". LOL

Munchkin Mom said...

She is making baby steps.

Hugs from here, where we seem to be going into the end of school backslide.