Monday, April 20, 2009

And the Problem with That?

Last night Daughter came downstairs fuming. She had just gotten off the phone with New Boy Friend. NBF had told her everything that J had said about her. J had told NBF that he didn't want to be with Daughter, and carefully explained why. Daughter informed me that J was telling stories about her and saying things that weren't true, and she was going to get him today.
"What has J been saying about you?"
"He told NBF that I am a church person and he shouldn't be around me because I am a goody two shoes and a control freak."
"What's wrong with going to church?"
"Nothing! NBF said he doesn't have a problem with me going to church."
"Do you understand what J was telling him?"
"What do you mean?"
"J was telling NBF that you are a Christian and that you have clear boundaries and you aren't going to have sex with him."
"No he wasn't! He said I was churchy and a goody two shoes and a control freak."
"But that's what he meant."
We talked some more, but I told that it was wonderful that that was what J was saying about her, and she should be proud. She told me that she and J had talked, and he believes sex should wait until marriage, too. I'm skeptical, but at least he knows the right words to say to her.
This morning she told me she was still mad. I suggested she go in and say to J, "Thank you for noticing that I am a Christian!"
She was at least able to smile at that suggestion. With all the problems she's had and the terrible things she's said to me, I am grateful that she represents the values I have tried to teach her at the workshop.


TobyBo said...

I am a goody two shoes. I am surprised to hear that expression still in use. I haven't heard it since that song, back I think in the 80's.

Reverend Mom said...

This is an area that hasn't entered the 21st century yet, so they may well be stuck in the 80's with that song. I'm proud that my daughter is a goody two shoes. I've accomplished at least one good thing in my life!

Munchkin Mom said...

Let's hear it for goody two shoes. Shoes-es?

If that means loving yourself enough to set boundaries and have expectations and not caving in to peer pressure, then I am proud to be a goody two shoes, too.