1 more sermon. 2 more Sundays, but only 1 more sermon. We were asked to host a guest preacher my final Sunday. The board was enthusiastic in their support.
I have now made the reservations for our vacation activities, and I just ordered a kit to paint my brick fireplace. I want to get some home improvement projects done while I'm off and at home.
The new anti-psychotic seems to be helping Daughter. She's doing pretty well with her working at my house on Tuesdays. Last week she didn't do a very good job, so she didn't get very much money. I told her she had to prove she could work even when she was tired or upset before she could get a community job. So today she did a better job.
I am ready for some time off. Very ready. I'm also excited about some of the concerts we'll see this year. We are going to camp for 9 nights this year. We will be home for the fireworks at the nearby park this year for the first time. I've invited some friends for a cook out and to enjoy the fireworks. Hopefully we will be able to see them from my back yard. If not, we can walk to the park from here. It will be fun.
Where are you? Is it time to worry?
I have lots to write-- and not much time. I haven't had a day off since I returned from vacation. This week we have/had 2 complicated funerals. Hopefully I can begin to catch up Saturday (which I hope to have off!)
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