Tuesday, May 26, 2009

At Least the Mania Is Gone

Daughter spent much of yesterday sleeping. I think that she's still adjusting to the medication to some degree, but I think she is also depressed. She did fine yesterday when we walked to the services for Memorial Day. She was standing and walking for over an hour. Now on the way home there were some sighs, but overall she managed without any drama. Once she got home, though, she was very helpless. She was having difficulty walking and staying awake. Being the heartless individual I am, I ignored the drama.
I have reminded her that she's getting herself deeper in her box, but right now she doesn't care. Last night she informed me she wasn't going to the workshop today. She went. I haven't heard anything, so hopefully once she got there she perked up and began to engage with people instead of sleeping and moping. If nothing else, it has given me a break.
The depression is hard on her, but in many ways, it's easier on me than the mania. As long as I ignore her, she is quiet and leaves me alone. She isn't verbally abusive or raging. I hope that the day at the workshop will shift her focus and begin to lift her out of the depression. I will call Therapist and see if she can see Daughter this week. But for now, I'm going to be glad that she's no longer manic.
I met with a family today about a funeral. I have to run to City this afternoon to visit a woman with a broken hip. I fielded phone calls from Sister and Brother. Aide held Mom's nose today in an attempt to get her to swallow. Nurse is livid. She's stopping all medication and making it clear that they are to stop trying to force Mom to eat. Brother is taking Dad to the doctor with bleeding. He may be admitted to the hospital.
I haven't told Daughter the latest, though she probably knows. I'm not in the mood to comfort her, and I don't want to deal with anymore acting out. Brother and Sister are dealing with Mom and Dad. The workshop is dealing with Daughter. I'm going to deal with ministry.

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