Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Still Seeking Answers

Neurologist is part of a medical school clinic. This morning I called to check on the possibility of seizure activity related to the switch to a generic medication. Of course, I had to wait on hold "for the next available representative," and then the next available representative finally answered and asked me if I could hold....
I finally talked to somebody of questionable confidence, and sought to get her understand the problem, or at least write it down accurately. Several hours later, I had a call from Nurse Practitioner. She asked more questions (but at least I know she's competent). She was going to talk to Neurologist, but she seemed more inclined to think it was a problem that Psychiatrist needed to address. She talked about the possibility of switching back to name brand (if they can convince the insurance company) or doing another EEG. The clinic is 2 hours away, but I told her that I will bring her in if that's what they want.
So now I'm waiting, waiting for another call to see what they want me to do. While they try to figure it out, Daughter continues to struggle with severe tremors. Hopefully someone will have an answer soon....


maeve said...

A perfect example of what's wrong with the medical insurance system in this country -- and some legislators think we're moving too fast. Why does an insurance company get the only call on a drug that isn't working for a person.

As for you, you are in my thoughts. It seems to never end. I admire your patience and, as the nuns used to say, "stick-to-itiveness".

Reverend Mom said...

Don't even get me started on what's wrong with our entire healthcare system in this country.... We now have a new theory on the cause of the tremors, which basically amounts to passing the buck to the other doctor....