Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Good Day

Mom was moved back to her familiar room today. She's having a great day. I got more coherent thoughts out of her today than I have in months. She only ate a few bites of her pureed lunch. She told me, "I don't like it." When I tried to give her more, she said, "No, really." Brother is bringing her a frosty.
Daughter is doing better with it this time, and leaned in to give Grandma lots of hugs and kisses today. Grandma ate it up, of course. Last night we had a room with twin beds, but starting tonight, we have an apartment-- complete with a small kitchen and living room, and a bedroom with twin beds. It will make being here much less stressful.
Dad's Aide is a little bit younger than Daughter, and the two of them have latched onto each other. Aide walked to the store to get some stuff today, and asked Daughter to go with her. Aide is African American, so I suggested to Daughter that maybe she'd be willing to teach her how to wrap her hair. I think Aide will make this trip much easier on Daughter.
I escaped Mom's room to come back to the apartment for a break, but Daughter just called and they want me to come back and bring some things, so I guess I'll go back over. I think Dad is enjoying spending time with Mom when she's more with it. Daughter said they were holding hands. For now, life is good.

1 comment:

Linda B said...

Awesome! Good memories too.