Friday, September 18, 2009

Phone Calls from the Workshop

Daughter called me from the workshop sobbing hysterically. I couldn't understand her she was so upset. She said she was being criticized for no reason by a substitute. I knew there was more to it, but I wasn't going to get in the middle. I urged her to calm down, take deep breaths, wash her face and go find a supervisor she trusted that she could talk to about whatever was going on. I assured her she was fine, and we'd do something tonight.
So a little while later I get a call from someone at the workshop about what had gone on. It seems Daughter has not been working. It seems that today she claimed she was too sick too work, and after being given permission to put her head down and rest, went over to dance with some friends. She was called on that, and didn't like it. That's when she took off and hid in the bathroom to call me. C, who called me, went looking for Daughter and found her as she was hanging up from talking to me.
I told her Daughter was struggling with Dad's health issues, and she wasn't coping well right now. C told me she had told Daughter she needed to tell me what had happened. I told C I would talk to Daughter tonight and invoke her name if necessary. It will not be a pleasant conversation, I already know that. It will be a necessary conversation, though.

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