Monday, February 27, 2012

Are You Okay?

Daughter's phone call this morning reported she was twitching. She has a history of complex partial seizures. The med they keep messing up was prescribed for those seizures (and also serves as a mood stabalizer). I alerted Program Manager to observe and reminded Daughter that the more she focuses on them, the worse they get.
House Manager and Nurse have responded. House Manager insists they have done everything right and the problem is individual staff members. Nurse is very concerned and points out that all the training and systems in the world can not give a conscience to staff members who don't care.
Case Manager has not responded to my request for a move.
So Elder sticks his head in my office to say hi on his way to do some work downstairs. Then he reappears. "Are you okay?" He said I didn't sound right.
"I asked to have Daughter moved."
He understood the implications of that. He listened. I told him his start as a psych major served him well. I am blessed to be in ministry with this congregation.


Kristin said...

If House Manager thinks it's just individual staff, why hasn't that staff been fired? Why hasn't she taken over the problem areas?

Sounds like she's not doing her job either.

Reverend Mom said...

Some have been. Part of the issue is that House Manager is only there part time, as she is regional director and is still taking care of their other homes.

I need a nap said...

I`m so glad you are surrounded by people that are in tune with how you are doing. Hopefully having now made the decision to have your daughter moved you have experienced some measure of relief. In the meantime, do not forget to take care of yourself...I have a feeling you may just need to build some reserves to get you through what still lies ahead. God Bless.

Kristin said...

That additional responsibility shouldn't come at the expense of the women in her care.

There are far too many people looking for jobs, that want to work, to excuse that kind of gross negligence.

House Manager needs to get a grip.

Reverend Mom said...

I am very blessed to be serving with these people. We had an awesome board meeting tonight.

Things will work out, I'm not sure how, but they will.